Georgia Highlands College is one of 25 semifinalists for the 2023 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence

Georgia Highlands College (GHC) has been named an Aspen Prize Semifinalist by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. GHC is one of 25 colleges across the country eligible to compete for a $1 million prize recognizing excellence in equitable outcomes for students in and after college. GHC was the only institution in the University System […]

Summer Faculty Learning Communities

GHC Faculty Learning Communities are open to part- and full-time instructors. Small Teaching Online Summer 2022  |  Format TBD by Participants  |  Facilitator: Josie Baudier Join this Faculty Learning Community to read and discuss Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby and James Lang. “The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to […]

Biweekly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees  Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked and all Absence Request for the April 17 – April 30, 2022 pay period by 4:00pm, Thursday, April 28th.  Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for any time or absences that […]

Doggy Day at the GHC Libraries

Compassionate Paws and CAREing Paws will be visiting the libraries on Tuesday, April 26. If you are near the Floyd Library, Compassionate Paws will be here at 11:30 am to 1 pm. The Paulding Library and Learning Commons will have dogs from CAREing Paws from 11 am to 1 pm. We would love to see […]

GHAME/B2B attend the Men of Color National Summit at Clemson University

Georgia Highlands College’s GHAME/B2B members recently attended the Men of Color National Summit at Clemson University. The summit themes include Career and professional development, Entrepreneurship, Masculinity/personal identity, Retention rates, graduation and student achievement, and Social/community engagement. Read the full article here Please like and share on social media: Facebook Instagram Twitter  

Doggy Day at the GHC Libraries

Compassionate Paws and CAREing Paws will be visiting the libraries on Tuesday, April 26. If you are near the Floyd Library, Compassionate Paws will be here at 11:30 am to 1 pm. The Paulding Library and Learning Commons will have dogs from CAREing Paws from 11 am to 1 pm. We would love to see […]