GHC Welcomes New Employees!

Please Welcome our NEW EMPLOYEES!   Last Name First Name Hire Date TITLE Hattaway James 6/13/2022 Summer Facilities Worker Montgomery Kristyn 6/1/2022 Instructor – Part Time Schaefle Sean 6/6/2022 Technician – Grounds Maintenance Sorhaindo Kamraun 6/3/2022 Tutor West Alexis 6/13/2022 Representative – Customer Service

Fall 2022 In-Service Breakout Session Proposals

Fall 2022 In-Service is August 26, on the Floyd Campus. Please help us make this day a success by submitting a proposal for a breakout session. Sessions should be 20-25 minutes in length and they should connect to the strategic plan (50 & Forward). You can access the submission form here: Please direct any […]

This Friday: Accessibility Summer Camp

Accessibility Summer Camp 2022  When: Friday, June 17 What: A FREE annual virtual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility. Why: To provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create quality accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn Register […]

Recognizing GHC Retiree – Trish Hoitt

Trish’s retirement is our loss, but a well-deserved respite for her. She is gifted with a kind and serving heart and never-ending kindness. She will be sorely missed and impossible to replace. She is well respected by her colleagues, as noted below: Jason:  “Trish has been a wonderful addition to our GHC IT team.  I wish […]

GHC Tutorial Centers

The GHC Tutorial Centers are open for summer semester.  Our tutors are available both face-to-face and online.  You can find information on making an appointment through Navigate and accessing our virtual drop-in rooms at  You can access the individual tutor schedules at Tutorial Center Hours.  If you would like a tutor to make a virtual […]