Reminder – The Webcast on Healthy Holidays: Maintain, don’t Gain is TODAY Dec. 9th 1 hour of inspiration, motivation and perhaps new traditions for this festive time of year, 11:30 AM EST at: And for EVERY DAY healthy inspiration and motivation, visit: • USG Employee Well-being Website:


Save room for a carrot! When you’re enjoying the food and fun and fellowship during this wonderful festive time, nibble on a carrot, or sip some water, crunch some celery. You’ll fill up faster, so a bite — or two — of that decadent dessert, or a dollop of that creamy, rich sauce will be […]

Upcoming Winter Break and Payroll Reminders

Good Afternoon GHC! Just a few reminders regarding the upcoming holidays: Due to early submission requirements Shared Services has required us to submit both BIWEEKLY and MONTHLY payroll much earlier than usual on Thursday, 12/17/2015. FOR BIWEEKLY PAYROLL Paid Thursday, 12/24/2015: BIWEEKLY Employees: please estimate your time for both Thursday, 12/17 and Friday, 12/18 and […]

Accrual Adjustment Forms

Payroll needs your help!!!! Please make sure when you turn in accrual adjustment forms that you print your name in the “Employee Full Name” section at the top. As always, please let us know if you have questions. Your help is greatly appreciated! Amy L. Casey Accounting/Payroll Manager Georgia Highlands College 706-368-7733 WE ARE…GHC


It’s a SIGN! The TURKEY DAY WALK is now on the same day as The Great American Smokeout – a day to quit – COLD TURKEY! Did you know that if you are quitting, physical activity, like walking, helps keep the craving at bay? Group activities help, too – so come on out and join […]


PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Streamlining the process as we look forward to the upcoming transition to the oneusg initiative: Because we have had challenges with the Performance Progression System (caused by not adhering to the sequencing of dates upon which the system was built: annual goal setting, mid-year and year-end review dates), we are going to use […]

Nobody Quits Like Georgia

Every year, tobacco use (second-hand smoke notwithstanding) kills more people than alcohol, automobile accidents, AIDS, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined. Though Georgia has made great strides to curb tobacco addition, nearly 19% of our adults in our state still smoke while the number of smokers nationwide has fallen to 15% (new data from Centers […]
