Thatcher Duvall was born on July 25th, 2020. He weighed 6lbs and 8oz. Congrats to the Duvall family!
Category Archives: GHC News
Updating Contact Information in OneUSG
t is important that you keep your contact information current in OneUSG Connect. This contact information is used for announcements, emergencies, Open Enrollment, medical cards, W-2s, etc. Refer to the attached job tool for more information and instructions. How to change your address in OneUSG Video – How to change your address in OneUSG Video- […]
Hello Chargers, Starting Monday, August 3rd the Fitness Lab on the Floyd Campus will be opening back up for faculty and staff! Hours of operation will be 7am-7pm Monday-Thursday. The building can be accessed at the front of the Fitness Lab between the Walraven and Gym buildings facing the front parking lot, (US HWY 27) We have […]
Refocusing at Work After COVID-19 – KEPRO Article
Refocusing at Work After COVID-19 (KEPRO Article): You may be excited, or even a little apprehensive, about returning to your workplace. Your workday may not look the same as it did before, and there will likely be new procedures to follow. For many, working from home was a new experience that required a big adjustment […]
Return To Campus Guide
Did you know that the Return to Campus Guide is packed with useful information? Below is an excerpt on General Safety Practices: General Safety Practices: In the best interest of the health and safety of our community and based on instructions from the USG, effective July 15th all GHC employees and students must […]
Federal Work Study- Fall 2020
Managers with FWS employees who remained employed through the summer and are still eligible for FWS in the fall semester may allow their student employees to return to work on August 3, 2020. If you have any questions about this or the Federal Work Study program please contact Ana King at
Required Return to Campus Training
It is necessary for employees preparing to return to on-site work arrangements to complete (and acknowledge) the short Covid-19 Training for Employees and Managers module in D2L. All employees are required to complete the training by August 1st. To access this training: Go to and login with your network credentials. Select the Covid-19 Required Training for Employees […]
GHC launches new application to keep students safe online
Georgia Highlands College (GHC) will utilize Duo Security for student accounts starting in August. Duo is a multi-factor authentication service that protects accounts from malicious activities like hacking and identity theft. GHC will require the use of Duo Security for student accounts beginning on August 1st, 2020. “This service will enhance the security of student […]
CETL Workshop Faculty Input Form
Greetings from CETL! As we prepare for the Fall 2020 semester, CETL would like your input on how we can best serve you. All CETL events will be held in a virtual or hybrid format this fall and are open to all full-time and part-time faculty. Please complete the CETL Workshop Faculty Input Form (survey) when […]
Face Coverings Required on Campus
As of July 15, 2020, all faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear an appropriate face covering while inside GHC campus facilities/buildings where six feet social distancing may not always be possible. Face covering use will be in addition to and is not a substitute for social distancing. Face coverings are not required […]