Colorism in the Latinx Community, Friday Sept. 18th 10-11:30a

Greetings GHC Community, The School of Social Science and Education has planned a series of presentations and discussions focused on race and racism. The first presentation tackles the issue of colorism, a system of discrimination based on the lightness or darkness of one’s skin color within the same racial group. More specifically, this talk explores […]

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 11

Three Good Things Campaign: It is very easy… Before leaving work for the next 30 days simply write down three good things that happened to you today or three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Click Here for the Three Good Things Campaign worksheet

Emotional Wellness Resources

KEPRO provides USG employees and family members free, comprehensive support and confidential counseling 24/7/365 through the KEPRO Employee Assistance Program (EAP). You can receive up to 4 free counseling sessions per issue, along with unlimited work/life support resources. Call 844-243-4440 or visit the website and enter in company code: USGCares for more details. The Georgia COVID-19 Emotional Support Line provides […]

New Co-Curricular and Transitions Coordinator

Please join us in welcoming Clifton Puckett to his new position as Co-Curricular and Transitions Coordinator. In this new position, Clifton will be responsible for coordinating two rather large programs at GHC: orientation and co-curricular activities. From the orientation perspective, Clifton will partner with other areas at GHC to create, implement, and assess the orientation […]

Watch and Share! Students at larger colleges this semester may feel like they don’t have any options. Let them know GHC can help!

WATCH AND SHARE this video of GHC student Anna Rubadue explaining why she left the University of Alabama to start taking classes at GHC this fall by clicking the social link you’d like to share to below: Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube College is about getting the experience you’re looking for. If you know a student […]