Do you want to see who got caught in the act of caring, good customer service or good teaching? Be sure to check out the Employee Recognition page on the Human Resources website. http://www.highlands.edu/site/recognition . Be sure to turn somebody in if you encounter someone caring, providing good customer service or good teaching! Human Resources […]

Looking for Sharks

I am looking for 5 Sharks! The Introduction to Human Services class will be presenting mock grant proposals on October 6 from 2:00-4:30 in F 150 on the Rome Campus. What I need from you: I am looking for 5 “Sharks” for the students to pitch their proposal to for funding. If you have every […]

Presenting With Impact

Come join the Center for University Learning next Thursday, September 3, 2015, at Kennesaw State University, Marietta Campus, in the Joe Mack Wilson Student Center, Room A-216 from 1:00PM – 4:00PM for Presenting With Impact! Participants in this course will learn to: – Make your verbal communications clear and effective. – Avoid “death by PowerPoint” and other presenting pitfalls. […]

Who Am I? #8

Sweet tea with a splash of lemonade is my favorite beverage. My idea of a snow day is being curled up by the fire place with a good book. Shades of blue are my favorite colors. I can throw a mullet net. I’m originally from South Mississippi.   Answer: Billie Saenz – Administrative Assistant Douglasville Campus

Who Am I? #7

  Married 25 years Climbed Mount Fuji and swam in the Dead Sea Has a BBA degree in International Business Lived and raised a family in Central Asia and the Middle East Is a Disaster Mental Health volunteer for the American Red Cross Answer: Angela Wheelus – Director of Student Support

Who Am I? #6

1)  In 7th grade, I was a contestant in the National Spelling Bee 2)  In the past 12 months, I have 6 new stamps in my passport 3) Yoga, spinning and tennis are some of my favorite activities 4) Fall is my favorite season of the year 5) I am super close with my 3rd […]

Who Am I? #5

I visited Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt while in the military I rode in a submarine, on an air craft carrier and a WW II era battleship Prayed at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, Israel. Little known fact about me: I like poetry. My 15 year career with GHC includes a stint in a […]