In addition to information about health resources and discounts on products and services you might need, you’ll get wellness tips that help you eat better and move more along with reminders about health screenings and prevention information. To sign up, text HEALTHYTIPS to 268436. healthy-tips
Category Archives: GHC News
The Comprehensive Administrative Review (CAR) at GHC is currently underway. Two surveys have been sent to selected participants: One is the Opportunity Identification Survey. The other is a mandatory survey called Activity Assessment. For additional help filling out the Activity Assessment, please use the updated Activity Assessment Worksheet at within the Faculty/Staff Portal. There, you will […]
Notifying TRS of Life Changes
Events, or life changes, occurring during the course of your TRS membership may necessitate you contacting our office to report beneficiary changes or name changes. Events such as: Marriage, Birth of Children, Divorce, or Death of Spouse. The Change of Beneficiary form should be completed to report beneficiary or name changes to TRS. It is […]
Valic Employee Session – Marietta
Valic can help you with investing in your future! This is available to part-time and full-time employees. Stephen Mink with Valic will be conducting employee sessions on Friday, August 10, 2018 at the Marietta site to review and set up retirement plans for any interested employees. Remember, financial well-being is a part of your USG Well-being […]
The Comprehensive Administrative Review (CAR) at GHC is currently underway. To learn more about what CAR is, you may visit within the Faculty/Staff Portal. There, you will find more about the CAR Process and the Schedule and Contacts. You may also view the recent Town Hall Information Session and the corresponding PowerPoint used during the presentation. Announcements related to the CAR process will […]
Cartersville & Douglasville Charger Food Pantries
Cartersville and Douglasville received a new shipment of food for the Charger Food Pantry today – THANK YOU Ted Pence for the delivery! If you are on the Cartersville or Douglasville site, and have a few minutes, we could use some help stocking shelves of the Pantry. The Pantry doors will be open during regular […]
Forecasting Leave Functionality – Now Available
The Forecasting Leave functionality in the Absence Management module is available for use. There are a few things to remember when using the Forecasting Leave functionality: Employees always have to click on Check Leave Balance before submitting a leave request. An Ineligible leave balance will still let you submit the leave request. The Forecasting Leave […]
Everything you need to know about CAR all in one place
The Comprehensive Administrative Review (CAR) at GHC is currently underway. To learn more about what CAR is, you may visit within the Faculty/Staff Portal. There, you will find more about the CAR Process and the Schedule and Contacts. You may also view the recent Town Hall Information Session and the corresponding PowerPoint used during […]
Aflac – Health Screening Benefit
The USG Critical Illness plan, offered by Aflac, provides cash benefits when an insured person is diagnosed with or treated for a covered critical illness. This plan also includes a health screening benefit. If you are currently enrolled in Aflac Critical Illness plan, be sure to submit for your $50 Health Screening benefit. Contact […]
New Human Resource Systems Technician
Please join us in welcoming Damaris Mendoza, Human Resources System Technician, to our Georgia Highlands College community. Damaris’s primary location will be the Cartersville site. Damaris was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Pinellas Park, Florida. She moved to Kennesaw, Georgia in 2016. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree […]