If you are feeling stressed, worried or having a tough time, you can talk to a licensed psychologist or therapist through video using LiveHealth Online Psychology. LiveHealth Online is an easy to use, private and, in most cases, you can see a therapist within four days or less. See flyer for more information! Behaviorial Specialists […]
Category Archives: GHC News
LiveHealth Online Kiosk – see a doctor now
The LiveHealth Online Kiosk is available to Georgia Highlands employees and students. You can use LiveHealth Online for: *Allergies *Infections *Cold and flu-like symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, fever and headaches *Rashes and skin care The cost of the online visit is $49 or less if you have BCBSGA health benefits. The Kiosk […]
Valic – Employee Sessions
Valic can help you with investing in your future! This is available to part-time and full-time employees. Stephen Mink with Valic will be conducting employee sessions on Friday, November 30, 2018 at the Douglasville site to review and set up retirement plans for any interested employees. Stephen can assist with: Reviewing your retirement benefits (TRS/ORP) Setting […]
Charge Up Your Wellness! Fit for Fall FINAL PUSH
The Fit for Fall challenge ends on November 18th! Please go to ourwellbeing.usg.edu to log your activity to gain points for GHC. President Green has agreed that if GHC places in the top three of all institutions, we will have a whole week of jeans and spirit-wear as a reward for all our hard work. […]
Ethics Week Lunch and Learn featuring Professor Christina Wolfe
Please join Professor Wolfe for a presentation about ethical behavior in academia. Bring your lunch to the Video Conference Room in each location from 12:00-1:00! Ethics Awareness Week Scavenger Hunt Question: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W9Z8NLR
The President’s Holiday Gathering for GHC faculty and staff is quickly approaching! Saturday, December 1st FAQ: WHAT’S ON THE MENU FOR BREAKFAST??? * Pancakes Bacon Sausage Yogurt Coffee Hot Cocoa Toppings aplenty Plan to visit President Don Green and First Lady Cathy Green at the Cartersville Student Center between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. on […]
Ethics Awareness Week Faculty and Student Round Tables
Ethics Awareness Week Faculty and Student Round Tables Please join us for a discussion between faculty and students about respect in the classroom, including topics such as academic integrity, identity and background, as well as personal orientation and beliefs. ALL FACULTY AND STUDENTS ARE WELCOME Round Table discussions will occur on each campus from 3:00-4:00 […]
Five Generations in One Workplace
FREE Webinar – Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z… all with different work styles and expectations! Join us to better understand each generation and learn how to maximize the fabulous advantages of these generations working in tandem. Easy to access! Go the Espyr website: www.espyr.com and log-in using “USGCares” passcode. You can also […]
Department of Dental Hygiene Director Job Posting
Position Summary Information Job Description Summary This position directs the operations of the Department of Dental Hygiene. This includes the Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene and Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Georgia Highlands is a growing and progressive institution with opportunities for the individual selected to grow with us. With a focus on […]
Lady Chargers at the Corral versus Southern Crescent
Your Lady Chargers open their home schedule on tonight at the Corral. Tip off for the GCAA Conference game versus Southern Crescent will be at 5:30pm. Chargers fans lets get to the Corral early and make some noise for our Lady Chargers!