Data Protection Refresher

At the center of information security exists an ongoing effort to protect confidential information. Cybercriminals are constantly on the offensive, using a variety of tactics in hopes of stealing data and, by extension, money. Here’s a quick refresher of what’s at stake, how it’s vulnerable, and what you can do to ensure the privacy and […]

Top 5 Simple Security Actions

Maintaining security and privacy requires a blend of technology and people. On the technology side, organizations often implement a variety of solutions designed to secure networks, filter out unwanted emails, and prevent unauthorized access. Technology is, of course, imperfect. It can’t prevent every threat, especially considering many external attacks are designed to circumvent technology. That’s […]

The Unplugged Threat

How hard is it to hack into an organization? In theory, it should be quite difficult. Most organizations implement robust cybersecurity controls and policies — the barriers that are designed to protect confidential information and prevent criminal hackers from breaching systems and networks. Hacking, however, doesn’t always require a computer; so those barriers only represent […]

Keeping Security Simple

What if you were told that phishing scams — attempts to steal information or infect devices with malicious software — were actually easy to launch? Not that they should be oversimplified, but all anyone needs is an internet connection and someone’s email address. That’s about it. Of course, there’s a big difference between successful and […]

What are AI Chatbots?

They are computer programs that are trained to understand and communicate with human language to answer user questions and generate automatic responses in the form of a conversation. What are five essential security tips I should keep in mind when using an AI chatbot for work purposes? 1. Only Use Organization-Approved Chatbots: Before using an […]

Five Common Ways People Get Hacked

While the intentions of cybercriminals vary, their approach to hacking people tends to follow a few general techniques. Let’s review five of the most common ways people are targeted and how you can protect yourself and your organization. Outdated Devices or Software Failure to run updates equals failure to patch critical security vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals can […]

Spear Phishing: The Advanced Threat

Phishing is a common scam that attackers use to steal data, spread malware, and defraud people of money. Most attacks involve a generic message sent to several people, often due to a database of contact information getting leaked online. Spear phishing, however, is anything but generic. This dangerous attack targets specific people or organizations, often […]

The Truth About Hackers

The people who commit cybercrime are often referred to as hackers or cybercriminals. To get a true sense of who those people are, it’s important to first dispel a few myths about the concept of “hackers” and focus on four important facts. Fact #1: Not all hackers are criminals. A hacker is commonly defined as […]

What are the different types of Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks?

Social Engineering Social engineering attempts to take advantage of human interaction and tries to extract as much information from the use of social skills. Social engineering is the umbrella term for which the following attacks are categorized under. Phishing Phishing is a type of social engineering that typically uses email or websites to persuade someone […]