Marla Means [left] and Andrea Mathis [right] had a blast at Red Top Mountain last Friday! They hiked the Sweet Gum Trail! You can check out the GHC Wellness Blog here for upcoming wellness events 🙂 We would love to have you at one of our next upcoming hikes: “Unlikely” Hikers Oct. & Nov. Hikes! […]
Author Archives: ghcinform
Dogs in Cartersville Library this Monday!
The dogs from Compassionate Paws will be in Cartersville library this Monday, October 8, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Come destress from finals in the library!
Call for Faculty/Staff Awards Committee
Hello everyone! This year, faculty and staff awards are being re-imagined and we would like to call for volunteers to serve on the Awards Committee. Responsibilities would include assisting in nomination process and award recipient selection as well as assisting in helping plan the award ceremony. Join us in helping celebrate the committed employees of […]
USG eclips for October 3, 2018
University System News: BREAKING NEWS: SSU rescinds decision to eliminate Africana Studies Angela Farley On Tuesday, Oct. 2, Savannah State University officially rescinded an earlier decision to eliminate the Africana Studies department from the curriculum. On Twitter, the university posted the following statement: Effective immediately, Savannah State University has rescinded the decision to […]
Highlands Unlikely Hikers Upcoming Fall Hikes
Highlands Unlikely Hikers – October Hike – easy to moderate Friday October 19 at 1:30pm Berry College Mountain Campus – Hike to the house of dreams (5 miles total) rated easy (gravel road/path) to moderate ( steep inclines at times). More info to come on where to meet and other logistics closer to hike date. […]
Biweekly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees  Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked for the September 23-October 06, 2018 pay period by 10:00am, Friday, October 5th. Additionally, all absence requests must be entered and approved by 10:00am, Friday, October 5th. Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for […]
RSVP by 10/7 for New Academic Building Ribbon Cutting and Open House
Georgia Highlands College’s Ribbon Cutting and Open House for the new academic building at the Cartersville location will be Tuesday, October 16 from 4-6PM. Deadline to RSVP is Sunday, October 7th. All employees that plan to attend should R.S.V.P. at:
USG eclips for October 2, 2018
University System News: UGA PREPares Aspiring Doctoral Students to Succeed Staff Report From Athens CEO As an undergraduate student in Maryland, Ian Liyayi planned to major in nursing but got lost on the campus tour and found himself in the biochemistry department. He liked that even better. When it came to preparing for […]
Talking Cybersecurity Basics With Your Kids
Cybersecurity is a complex and constantly changing subject both in our workplace and in our personal lives thanks to social media, smart devices & appliances, voice assistants, and every other way that we stay connected to the world. Via naked security : “It’s crucial to arm kids with knowledge of how to protect themselves and their […]
SMP Cartoonist National Finalist
Six Mile Post cartoonist Moises Ledesma (Cartersville) is a top ten finalists in the annual national competition sponsored by the Associated Collegiate Press. His work was selected from entries from colleges and universities of all levels from across the country. The final ranking of the entries will be announced later. To see Moises’ cartoon and […]