Missed yesterday’s Ethics Discussion Panel?

Missed yesterday’s Ethics Discussion Panel?  No worries, we recorded it just for you! https://georgiahighlands2-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sstewart_highlands_edu/ESevGj7NichAuIxTL7h6QJMBU-M5NO80XMNCbOAImmh8gA?e=BsF1OL Event Details: Hosts: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Giselle Tucker Senior Human Resource Manager, Stephanie Stewart. Panelists (Paulding County Community Leaders): Terrence Coursey – Corporate Relations Manager at United Way of Greater Atlanta Sgt. Ashley Henson – Public Information Officer at […]

Today for Ethic’s Week, our theme is “I [HEART] GHC Students”.

In the spirit of today’s theme, the Paulding Instructional Site will host an ethics discussion panel led by our very own Assistant Professor of Political Science, Giselle Tucker and Senior Human Resource Manager, Stephanie Stewart.  The panel consists of the following Paulding County community leaders: Terrence Coursey – Corporate Relations Manager at United Way of […]

USG Ethics Policy Ethics Policy The University System of Georgia (USG) is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in pursuit of its mission to create a more educated Georgia. Accomplishing this mission demands integrity, good judgment, and dedication to public service from all members of the USG community. While the USG affirms each […]

Pecan Pickup Days

Pecans will be ready to be picked up in the Library on the Floyd Campus Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14 from 9:00-3:00. Please be sure to come during these hours if you ordered pecans.  We usually have a few extras if you forgot to order.  I have to buy by the case. Brenda […]

IT Policy Updates: Incident Management and Security Awareness Training

The following IT policies have been updated: IT Incident Management Policy (IT.PO.230) | IT Incident Management Standard (IT.ST.230) – An information security incident is any questionable or suspicious activity that could threaten the security systems, data, and information technology resources at GHC. These events may violate established information security policies, state and federal information security […]

Mandatory USG Cybersecurity Training – Due October 31st!

In accordance with the memo issued by Chancellor Wrigley concerning the requirement for all USG employees to participate in mandatory cybersecurity awareness training each October, GHC IT has provided the “AY2019 Cybersecurity” training module in D2L. Employee participation is mandatory and GHC will be required to report 100% compliance in November. To access this training: Go […]

Retiree Pecan Sales

The Retiree Pecan Sale is here!  The price for 12 oz. bags of halves is $5.80.  Pieces are $5.30 per 12 oz. bags.  If available, very small pieces for baking are $5.30 per bag as well.  Any employee is eligible to prepay and order.  If you want to order pecans, please make your check to […]

Reminder: Mandatory Cybersecurity Training in October

In accordance with the memo issued by Chancellor Wrigley concerning the requirement for all USG employees to participate in mandatory cybersecurity awareness training each October, GHC IT has provided the “AY2019 Cybersecurity” training module in D2L. Employee participation is mandatory and GHC will be required to report 100% compliance in November. To access this training: Go […]

USG-Mandated Cybersecurity Training in October

In accordance with the memo issued by Chancellor Wrigley concerning the requirement for all USG employees to participate in mandatory cybersecurity awareness training each October, GHC IT has provided the “AY2019 Cybersecurity” training module in D2L. Employee participation is mandatory and GHC will be required to report 100% compliance in November. To access this training: Go […]

Academic Integrity/Code of Conduct reporting reminder

Dear Faculty, As we near the midterm point, allow me to remind you on the process on how to report suspected cases of academic misconduct and disciplinary violations.  Georgia Highlands College uses a student conduct management system called Maxient for the reporting and process flow of our student judicial policies. The reporting of violations of […]