This is a reminder that we are soliciting proposals for presentations at our Part-Time Faculty Academy on April 11. We welcome proposals from both faculty and staff! This is a fantastic opportunity for senior faculty to share their knowledge and expertise with our part-time faculty, for part-time faculty to share experiences with their colleagues, and […]
Author Archives: thutchin
Proposals for Concurrent Sessions at the Part-Time Faculty Academy
Do you have wisdom and knowledge you would like to share with our part-time faculty? If you do, we want you! CETL is looking for faculty and staff to present concurrent sessions at our second annual Part-Time Faculty Academy on April 11. Sessions should be focused on pedagogy, technology, or the work of student-facing departments. […]
ADA Title II Regulations
ADA Title II Regulations Thursday, January 30| 1:00-2:00 pm| Teams Did you know that there has been an update to the ADA Title II regulations? In this webinar, we will discuss the federal regulations guiding digital accessibility. These regulations involve institution-wide initiatives as well as requirements that will affect your D2L course material. Join […]
2nd Annual unDistance Learning Conference at GSU
Here is a professional development opportunity! The 2nd Annual unDistance Learning Conference, hosted by the Office of Online Initiatives at Perimeter College at Georgia State University on October 7 – 11, 2024. The virtual sessions from Monday to Thursday are free for anyone to attend. The in-person workshop on Friday, Oct. 11, is free but […]
CETL FLC Reminder
We still have two FLCs with openings for more participants; Rachel’s FLC on Generative AI and Teresa’s FLC on Active Learning. Please click on the hyperlinked FLC title to sign up. The FLCs will start meeting in September so please sign up now to make sure we can get your books to you in time […]
CETL Programming Reminders
Hey, y’all! Greetings from your friendly neighborhood CETL! We just wanted to send out some reminders to y’all. First, don’t forget our Relentless Welcome Challenge! The goal of Relentless Welcome is to create an environment where students feel welcome, heard, and supported. You can find the details here and can sign up for the challenge. Don’t […]
Classroom Climate Webinar
Class climate can make or break a semester! In this workshop, examine your own classroom climate and determine ways to improve the student experience. Join CETL on August 29 at 11:00 am in exploring ways to reduce student anxiety and support student mental health.You can register here. We hope to see you there!
Student Feedback Webinar
We all know that students fill out course evaluations at the end of the course. Did you know that you should be seeking feedback throughout the semester from your students? Join CETL for the Student Feedback Webinar on August 28 at 2:00 pm! We’ll go beyond course evaluations. We’ll talk about other ways that you […]
Register NOW for CETL Faculty and Professional Development Opportunities
Greetings, y’all! Check out the CETL Fall Workshop Schedule for faculty and professional development opportunities. Everyone is invited to join in! When we say everyone, we mean everyone! Full-time faculty, part-time faculty, and staff are all welcome! Two highlights are: Introducing Microlearning Modules! Enhance your skills with our new 60-90 minute learning experiences, each featuring a […]
Part-Time Faculty Academy on April 12, 2024
All part-time instructors are invited to join CETL on April 12 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm at the Cartersville Campus for the Part-Time Faculty Academy. This is a professional development opportunity for all part-time faculty at GHC. The day will begin with a breakfast cocktail party to mingle with other part-time instructors and to […]