Diversity in History: Anotnia Novello (1944-)

    During Hispanic Heritage month, we want to celebrate notable figures like Antonia Novello. Novello’s journey is a testament to determination, dedication, and a passion for improving the health and well-being of individuals across the United States. Antonia Novello’s early life was marked by challenges, but her unwavering determination set her on the path […]

Covid Reminders

As cases of Covid-19 increase in Georgia, please keep in mind our current protocol for exposures and positive test results:   What should Employees/ Students do if they have tested positive for Covid-19? You should quarantine for 5 days from the time your symptoms first appeared and be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever […]

Covid reminders

As cases of Covid-19 increase, please keep in mind our current protocol for exposures and positive test results:   What should Employees/ Students do if they have tested positive for Covid-19? You should quarantine for 5 days from the time your symptoms first appeared and be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications […]

Join the Walk and Talk Step Challenge!

Join the Walk and Talk Step Challenge! Sign in or register your USG Well-being account at ourwellbeing.usg.edu > Social > Challenges. Make sure your activity tracker is connected to get credit for all your hard-earned steps. Employees and spouses enrolled in a USG healthcare plan can earn 2,000 points by tracking steps each week of the challenge. Dates This challenge starts on August […]

Diversity in History: Helen Keller

  Helen Keller’s life journey is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of determination. Despite facing the challenges of deafness and blindness, she rose to become a major 20th-century humanitarian, educator, writer, and an influential advocate for various causes. Her life’s work, from her early childhood struggles to her adult accomplishments, […]