University System News USG NEWS: GHC president tells Kiwanians he makes job preparation a priority by Jeremy Stewart Three months after becoming president of Georgia Highlands College, Donald Green is emphasizing building on the relationships that are readily available in the community. Green spoke about what has been going on behind the scenes […]
Author Archives: shjones
YARD SIGNS: time to take them down
Thanks to everyone that participated in the yard sign promotional effort. Please go ahead and take down your sign today (it is the last day to enroll for Spring) and store it until our next enrollment push. I will send out a notice when it is time to display them again. Thank you again! It […]
Photos: Chargers vs. Jets AND Daniel Veillon Video
Here are the links to the photos and video from Wednesday’s games. Be sure to watch the great video put together by our Digital Media Services department: Women’s photos: Mens photos: Daniel Veillon video: vimeo: youtube:
USG e-clips for December 11, 2014
USG NEWS: Report: Georgia’s employers can’t find qualified workers in key fields By Greg Bluestein and Janel Davis – The Atlanta Journal-Constitution An aging workforce is preparing to retire, and there are not enough skilled workers in Georgia to replenish it. A shortage of computer programmers and engineers is forcing firms to search […]
USG e-clips for December 10, 2014
USG NEWS: KSU/SPSU merger gets accreditation approval by Philip Clements MARIETTA — An accreditation agency Tuesday gave its approval for the merger of Kennesaw State University and Southern Polytechnic State University. The Southern Association of College and Schools Commission on Colleges, the regional accrediting agency for institutions of higher-learning in Southern states, announced the […]
USG e-clips for December 9, 2014
USG NEWS: State college system reaching out to college dropouts By LEE SHEARER More than one in five Georgians started college and never finished, but many are now returning to state colleges and technical colleges, University System of Georgia Chancellor Hank Huckaby told state legislators Monday. About 10 percent of the University System […]
USG e-clips from December 6, 2014
University System News USG NEWS: Legislators get primer on state government at UGA Biennial Institute By LEE SHEARER More than a dozen freshman legislators got a crash course in how state government works Sunday morning at the University of Georgia, weeks before they’re scheduled to report to Atlanta and the next session of […]
Jeans in January
Want to wear blue jeans to work in January? Here’s how: President Don Green is launching a fun, new initiative allowing employees to wear jeans to work any day of the month in January but you have to pay to play! (Participation is optional of course) To participate in “Jeans in January”, employees can pay […]
2014 Holiday Gathering Photos
In case you missed the email – here is the link to the holiday gathering photos. Instructions for downloading: Downloading is pretty easy. Click on the photo. Once it opens a symbol for downloading will appear on the lower right side of the screen (this is an arrow pointing downward with a line under it). […]
USG e-clips from December 5, 2014
University System News USG NEWS: More Than 100 Colleges Made Pledges at the First White House Summit. Here’s How 6 Fared. By Mary Bowerman, Max Lewontin, and Jared Misner Some college leaders have dismissed the White House’s Summit on College Opportunity—the second installment of which takes place on Thursday—as a dog-and-pony show focused […]