Would you like to be a better online teacher?

Online Teaching: Development (Level 2) Mon, Mar 1 – Fri, Mar 12   |   Asynchronous, D2L   |   Facilitator: Josie Baudier This two-week mostly asynchronous workshop course explores the research and practices for online course design and course delivery. The workshop is delivered using D2L, the authentic environment, and models best practices in design and delivery for […]

Two CETL Workshops Next Week

Accessibility: Regulations & D2L Support Mon, Feb 22   |   2:00-3:15 pm, Zoom   |   Facilitator: Josie Baudier This is the second of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain standards and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. In this initial workshop of the series, we will examine the regulations regarding ADA, […]