Accessibility Summer Camp

Accessibility Summer Camp 2022  When: Friday, June 17 What: A FREE annual virtual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility. Why: To provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create quality accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn Register […]

Accessibility Summer Camp

Accessibility Summer Camp 2022  When: Friday, June 17 What: A FREE annual virtual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility. Why: To provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create quality accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn Register […]

Is Perusall for you?

Did you know that only 20-30% of students in the average classroom do assigned reading?  In Perusall classes, >90% consistently do the reading. Curious about how Perusall, the only truly social e-reader, can improve your classes? Join us for a walk-through of how students experience Perusall in D2L, how to integrate Perusall in your course in […]

CETL: March Events

Lab: Faculty Mindset Asynchronous D2L Work: Tues, Mar 1 – Fri, Mar 4  |  Facilitator: Josie Baudier Synchronous Wrap-Up Zoom Meeting: Fri, Mar 4  |  12:00-12:30 pm CETL labs facilitate asynchronous hands-on engagement with pedagogical professional development over a four-day period in preparation for a culminating synchronous meeting. Participants in this lab should expect to […]