More students attend GHC online than ever before, but engaging them can be challenging. Join us to discuss with experienced GHC faculty how they meaningfully and effectively engage their online students. Bring your questions, concerns, and quandaries for an open Q&A period. Engaging Students Online Wed., January 4, 2023 | 12-1 pm, Zoom | Panelists: […]
Author Archives: rrupprec
How do I edit my email signature?
Get ready for the new semester by editing your Outlook email signature on the web or in the app! Check out the GHC Email Signature Standards for guidance on what to include, including GHC logos.
How do I edit my email signature?
Get ready for the new semester by editing your Outlook email signature on the web or in the app! Check out the GHC Email Signature Standards for guidance on what to include, including GHC logos.
Today: Perusall, New and Improved
Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us today, Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]
Perusall, New and Improved
Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us on Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]
How do I edit my email signature?
Get ready for the new semester by editing your Outlook email signature on the web or in the app! Check out the GHC Email Signature Standards for guidance on what to include, including GHC logos.
Perusall, New and Improved
Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us on Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]
Today: Your Students’ Work Deserves to be Shared
Today: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive?
“The Assessment Institute will host 5 complimentary Zoom-based 60-minute webinars throughout the year featuring national leaders from HIPs in the States (High-Impact Practices). These sessions are open to anyone in the higher education community.” Wed, November 30: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive? Wed, February 22: What role(s) do student affairs educators play […]
D2L Gradebook Help Continues
Mark your calendars! Drop in for on-the-spot D2L gradebook help and troubleshooting as you wrap-up this semester or prepare for next. CETL will be on campuses and in this Zoom meeting at the times listed below: Monday, Nov 28: 11 am-12 pm (Rachel, Zoom & Cartersville library computer lab) Tuesday, Nov 29: 10-11 am (Rachel, […]