Friday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question Answer & Winner

Congratulations to Kay Geibel for being the first person to answer Friday’s trivia question correctly! Friday’s question concerned travel by USO employees. Which one of the following statement(s) are true? Employees must have written authorization in advance from the Chancellor or designee to attend trainings and conferences paid for by vendors. Prior approval is required […]

Thursday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question Answer & Winner

Congratulations to Vicky Drnek for being the first person to answer Thursday’s question correctly! Thursday’s question was about the BOR’s Amorous Relationships policy.   True or False:   Q:     A USG employee is prohibited from having a romantic or sexual relationship with any employee or student who the individual supervises, teaches, evaluates or whose terms […]

Thursday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question

Please see below for today’s Ethics Awareness Week question.   Today’s question is about the BOR’s Amorous Relationships policy.   True or False:   Q:     A USG employee is prohibited from having a romantic or sexual relationship with any employee or student who the individual supervises, teaches, evaluates or whose terms or conditions of education […]

Wednesday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question Winner & Answer

Thank you for participating in Wednesday’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Congratulations to Andrea Mathis for being the first person to answer Wednesday’s question correctly! Today’s question was about the BOR’s Conflict of Interest Policy.   Which of the following statement(s) are true?   USG employees have an ongoing responsibility to report and fully disclose any […]

Wednesday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question

Good Morning! Please see below for Wednesday’s Ethics Awareness Week question.  Today’s question concerns the BOR’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Which of the following statement(s) are true? A.​USG employees have an ongoing responsibility to report and fully disclose any personal, professional, or financial interest that has the potential to create an actual or apparent conflict of […]

Tuesday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question Winner & Answer

Thank you for participating in Tuesday’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Congratulations to Andrew Torres for being the first person to answer Tuesday’s question correctly! Listed below is the answer to Tuesday’s ethics question. Participate each day this week to test your ethics and compliance awareness. Today’s question was about the BOR Gratuities Policy. Q:  Which of […]

Monday’s Ethics Awareness Week Trivia Question Winner & Answer

Thank you for helping us kick off Ethics Awareness Week. Congratulations to Shanika Wright-Turner for being the first person to answer Monday’s question correctly! Listed below is the answer to Monday’s ethics question. Monday’s question was about the responsibilities we all have to maintain an ethical culture. Q:        Which of the following statements is NOT […]