Oral History Project

I’m currently working on a project for the GHC archives. The goal of the project is to create a course that teaches students about Oral History and provides them with the skills and opportunity to conduct interviews themselves. It will also allow the archives to help tell GHC’s story. Currently, I’m gauging interest in interviewees. […]

Georgia Archives Month

In continuation of Georgia Archives Month, we want to share more of our digital images. This week’s theme is GHC Faculty. Today’s photo features a GHC professor teaching students in a biology lab. As we share photos, we are asking for your help to create better descriptions for our collection. If you recognize anyone in […]

Charger Chat Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s Charger Chat. If you were unable to make it, check out the recording linked below. We talked to Bradley Gilmore & Sarah Ozment about Charger Wellness and HR Programs; Jennifer Hicks and Jimmy Story shared about GHC Admissions and Enrollment Management; and Chief Horce spoke about campus safety. […]

Charger Chat @ 3pm!

Our next edition of Charger Chats will be today at 3 pm. We’re going to have Bradley Gilmore & Sarah Ozment talk about Charger Wellness and HR Programs; Jennifer Hicks and Jimmy Story share about GHC Admissions and Enrollment Management; and Chief Horce speak about campus safety.  The Zoom details are below. As always, come […]

Charger Chat Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s Charger Chat. If you were unable to make it, check out the recording linked below. We talked to Jessica Lindberg and Danielle Steele about the Highlands Writer’s Conference and Ian Fleming, Rob Laltrello, and Jason McFry about cybersecurity. It was a good one! https://highlands.zoom.us/rec/share/jf3FD8m906NeIs-wN25jEfDZycZgBp8rh3O3UDGxmqaD9QZX9NtFBR5qT8w246rp.nnQ6eBs6REbuXMqm?startTime=1677008687000 Passcode: QGmT9H&&