CETL Workshops

In the next two weeks, your colleagues will be presenting on their areas of expertise. Please consider attending a workshop or webinar and explore different ways to influence learning experiences. February 21, 2020 D2L Level 2 Webinar (Virtual)| Facilitator: Camille Pace Instructional and Metacognitive Strategies Webinar (Virtual) Facilitators:  Camille Pace, Jayme Wheeler, and Sandi Anderson […]

CETL Faculty Development for Spring Semester

  CETL Workshops are now available for registration! Please visit the workshop webpage on the CETL site for workshop descriptions, dates, times, locations, and registration. We have a few different facilitators who are sharing their expertise with us this semester. Check out the programming and join us! Feel free to offer workshop suggestions at cetl@highlands.edu […]

CETL Teaching Tips

Happy First Week of School! CETL is here for your teaching and learning support. Please feel free to contact us at cetl@highlands.edu. We are happy to help. Be sure to upload your syllabus to d2l so that students will have access to it throughout the entire semester. You can also find d2l help documentation in […]

CETL Teaching Tips

CETL Teaching Tips As we near the end of the semester, students may need extra motivation to finish strong. Here are a few ideas to encourage a successful semester: Ask your students to consider what they have learned throughout the semester. This practice shows students they have been working hard and it can help increase […]

“Teach Students How to Learn” Book Talk

Saundra McGuire shares several strategies to support students in their learning progress. In her book, Teach Students How to Learn, McGuire explains how study skills, learning strategies, and metacognition can make a difference in student success and engagement in the classroom. McGuire even provides a 50-minute intervention framework to do with students. Join your colleagues […]

Share your best practices with others across the USG

Are you engaging your students with big, far-reaching questions? Asking them to apply their learning to complex problems? Providing opportunities to share their work with public audiences? Consider presenting your best practices and connect them to LEAP frameworks or other USG initiatives at the USG Teaching & Learning Conference in Athens, GA, from April 7-9, 2020. […]

CETL Fall 2019 Workshops & Teaching Tip

Visit the CETL Website for this semester’s workshops, webinars, and book talks. Be sure to register if you plan to attend. We are looking forward to working with you. Teaching Tip: By this time, most of you have had students complete at least one exam or major assignment. Consider asking your students about that experience. […]

CETL Teaching Tips

CETL Partnership: CETL is excited to be partnering with Susanna Smith, Floyd Campus Assistant Librarian, starting September 9. Susanna will be available for teaching consultations on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons on the Floyd Campus in the CETL space (F126). In addition, Susanna will be facilitating the following workshops and webinars this semester. Course Redesign […]

CETL Teaching Tips

I hope your classes are going well. CETL will be posting tips, articles, and information periodically throughout the semester. Feel free to reach out directly for more information. Here are a few tips for the beginning of the semester: Start learning your students’ names. This will help them feel like they belong in your class […]