Do you need your Employment or Income Verified? Georgia Highlands College now uses The Work Number®

We are pleased to announce that Georgia Highlands College now uses The Work Number® to provide automated employment and income verifications for our employees.  The Work Number from Equifax is a fast and secure way to provide proof of your employment or income— a necessary step in many of today’s life events including obtaining credit, […]

Tuition Assistant Program (TAP) Course Grades Due Dates

Course grades due dates: Spring Semester 2019 course grades – due July 1, 2019 Summer Semester 2019 course grades – due August 9, 2019 Send your course grades either through e-mail to: or interoffice mail to: Damaris Mendoza – HR – Cartersville. Grade Requirements An employee must receive a grade of “C”, or better, […]

Tuition Assistant Program (TAP) Application Fall Semester 2019

TAP applications for Fall Semester 2019 are due July 15th. – Follow this link to download and complete the TAP Application.. Send through: E-mail: OR Interoffice original copy to: Damaris Mendoza – HR dept. – Cartersville. Please note: Employee ID number is your OneUSG number not your BANNER ID. You can locate your Employee […]

Tuition Assistant Program (TAP) Application Summer Semester 2019

TAP applications for Summer Semester 2019 are due April 15th. – Follow this link to download and complete the TAP Application.. Send through: E-mail: OR Interoffice original copy to: Damaris Mendoza – HR dept. – Cartersville.   Please note: Employee ID number is your OneUSG number not your BANNER ID. You can locate your […]

Tuition Assistant Program (TAP) Application Summer Semester 2019

TAP applications for Summer Semester 2019 are due April 15th. Applications are available at: Send your application either through e-mail to: or interoffice mail to: Damaris Mendoza – HR –Cartersville.   Please note that the Employee ID number is your OneUSG number not your BANNER ID. You can locate your Employee ID number on […]