Employee Expression of Political Opinions
The USG respects the free expression rights of USG employees to share their own views on political campaigns and related issues. Sharing these views should be done only in employees’ personal capacities and in a manner that does not interfere with work, does not involve improper use of state resources, and does not create the appearance that the employee is speaking on behalf of the USG or its institutions. Employees desiring to express personal views regarding political campaigns or candidates may not use state resources to communicate these views and should make it clear that their views are personal in nature and do not represent the views of the USG or its institutions. Thus, for example, employees would be prohibited from expressing political campaign views using their state email addresses and also prohibited from using any USG registered trademarks when expressing personal opinions on campaigns and related matters.
Employee Involvement in Political Campaigns
Individuals may not hold elective political office at the state or federal level while employed by the USG. Any employee seeking elective office must notify his or her direct supervisor and request a leave of absence without pay prior to qualifying as a candidate. Employees are also prohibited from managing or taking an active part in political campaigns during work hours or where such involvement would otherwise interfere with work responsibilities. Under no circumstances may employees use any state property, resources, or materials in conjunction with any political campaigning.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of student education and success in Georgia and for your attention to this guidance as we begin the new academic year. Should you have any questions about this guidance or would like to discuss it further, please contact the USG Office of Legal Affairs at 404-962-3255.