Forecasting Leave Functionality in Absence Managment

Good Morning,

The Forecasting Leave functionality in the Absence Management module is available for use. There are a few things to remember when using the Forecasting Leave functionality:

  • Employees always have to click on Check Leave Balance before submitting a leave request
  • An Ineligible leave balance will still let you submit the leave request
  •  The Forecasting Leave functionality will only figure into the balance any leave request submitted up to the current leave request. Future leave request will not be included
  • All prior leave requests that have been saved or not processed will need to be completed-you will receive an error message until those items are processed
  • Managers do not need to use Forecast the Leave Balance to approve the leave request

I have provided the links for the updated job aids. If you need additional help, please contact Tracy Grigsby at

Thank you,

Tracy Grigsby