Library instruction is a broad catch all for the many services tailored to your specific class needs that the library can provide you.
- We can come in to your class and talk about proper research and citations
- This can be a quick 20 minute presentation or we can come in for an entire class, we can adjust the time based on instructor needs.
- We will also create a libguide (ie. Webpage) tailored to your assignment.
- Libguides include walk through of how to search the book catalog, tips on how to search various databases, links to databases that would be most helpful to use for the students particular assignment, and examples and walkthroughs for creating citations in the citation style they will be using.
- We can also provide this information in different teaching styles;
- Creating small research assignments that are then graded by the librarian
- Presenting a flipped classroom in which students are assigned different research and teach their fellow classmates, or
- Have a research geared class where the student spend a majority of the class researching their topics while the librarian is there to answer questions as they come up.
- If you have other ideas in how you would like to have a library instruction course we are excited to collaborate with faculty on new ways to deliver information literacy to our student body!