Spring Orientation Dates Set

All New Student Orientation Dates for the Spring 2017 Semester have been set and are currently available for new students to sign up for through the “Check Admissions Status” link.

Please make a note of these dates/times and coordinate your time to assist as needed for these important student ingress sessions.

Orientation dates
Friday, Dec. 9, 9am – Douglasville
Tues., Dec. 13, 9am – Floyd
Wed., Dec. 14, 9am- Marietta
Tues., Dec. 20, 9am – Cartersville
Wed., Dec. 21, 9am – Paulding

Tues., Jan. 3, 1:00pm – Douglasville
Wed., Jan. 4, 9am – Cartersville
Thurs., Jan. 5, 9am – Floyd
Fri., Jan. 6, 9am – Paulding
Fri., Jan. 6, 9am – Marietta
Sat., Jan. 7, 9am – Cartersville (unannounced)