USG e-clips from June 2, 2015

University System News:
California names Georgia one of its top competitors for film
Ellie Hensley
Atlanta Business Chronicle
California sees Georgia as one of its top competitors for booking film and television productions, according to a study released by FilmL.A. Inc. on May 28. “Canada, New York, Georgia, Louisiana, and the UK are California’s primary competitors for the foreseeable future,” the study says. “While these jurisdictions may trade yearly rank positions for total project count, budget value and production spending, there are no jurisdictions immediately poised to dethrone them.” Of the 106 films surveyed by FilmL.A., 22 shot in California, 13 shot in New York, 12 shot in the United Kingdom, 12 in Canada and 10 movies shot in Georgia. …”Louisiana’s plunge from number one in total project count… to sixth place cedes ground to southern rival Georgia,” the survey says.

USG Institutions:
CSU, chamber presidents mark first day as new city leaders
Two critical Columbus institutions came under new management Monday. Columbus State University and the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce both marked the first day with new leaders. Chris Markwood became the sixth president of Columbus State, while Brian Alexander took over the chamber. Both of them started their new jobs in a similar fashion — lots of meetings and lots of listening. Markwood spent most of Monday meeting with university vice presidents and staff as well as going through the process to get on the payroll. He did, however, meet with retired W.C. Bradley Co. Chairman Bill Turner, who has been instrumental in the development of Columbus State and the community.
Gerber named new director for Georgia Tech Research Institute
The Georgia Institute of Technology announced the hiring of Dr. Andrew Gerber as the new director of the Georgia Tech Research Institute and senior vice president of Georgia Tech. …“Andy’s leadership, management, and communication skills are impressive,” said Steve Cross, executive vice president for research at Georgia Tech and interim director of GTRI. “This is something we made a high priority in the position description and this search. I look forward to working very closely with him. It also seems fitting Andy is the new director, given his formal education as a physicist, since GTRI has its roots in the School of Physics and many of the early directors were physics professors.”
FVSU offering in-state tuition to students from neighboring states
Students from neighboring states will have an easier time attending Fort Valley State University starting next school year. Residents of Alabama, South Carolina and Florida who meet admissions requirements will be offered in-state tuition as part of the FVSU Neighbor Waiver program, a Complete Georgia initiative. The program is expected to increase enrollment, and it has been approved for 11 institutions in the state.
Yellow Ribbon Program helps veterans pay for college expenses
Stefanie Botelho
Cartersville Patch
To further grow its military friendly recognition and to address the need for more military friendly higher education throughout the nation, Georgia Highlands College has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to launch the college’s first ever Yellow Ribbon Program. The Yellow Ribbon Program is designed to aid eligible students with any outstanding out-of-pocket expenses after their normal VA benefits have been applied.

Higher Education News:
Not So Quick on Canceling Debt
By Donald E. Heller
A lot of attention is currently being paid to the topic of student loan debt in the United States. Earlier this year, President Obama proposed to make community college free for all students, motivated at least in part by concerns over the growing volume of student loan debt in the nation. With the 2016 presidential campaign starting to gear up, there are already indications that student loans will be an important topic of debate. I recently received in my email inbox a request to sign a petition to forgive all student loan debt in the country. …At first glance, this may seem like a good idea. Much has been written about the growing volume of student loans and the impact it has had on students and former students. But much of what the media has written about is grossly exaggerated and focuses on outliers. The vast majority of students are borrowing more reasonable amounts, and while some students do struggle to pay back their loans, this is not a reason why all student loans should be forgiven and future student loans eliminated.
Accreditors Back Joint Approach to Competency-Based Education
A group representing the seven regional accrediting agencies has developed a common framework for assessing and approving competency-based education programs proposed by their member institutions. The Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions, known as C-RAC, released the framework for the emergent form of higher education program late Monday. A news release about the framework notes that there has been relatively little guidance about the characteristics of high-quality programs and the expectations that accreditors and the federal government have for institutions that seek to establish the programs.