CETL: Simple Syllabus, To Flex or Not to Flex

Simple Syllabus at GHC

Wednesday, October 18, 2023  |  12-1:30 pm  |  Zoom  |  Facilitator: Simple Syllabus

In Spring 2024 all GHC faculty will use Simple Syllabus to create their syllabi. Join us to explore how to do so, GHC syllabus policy guidelines, and learner-centered syllabus language. (This workshop will also be offered by CETL on November 14 and December 7.)

Panel: To Flex or Not to Flex: Missed Assignments, Late Work Policies, and Absenteeism

Thursday, October 19, 2023  |  11 am-12 pm  |  Zoom  |  Moderator: Rachel Rupprecht

Maurice Wilson (Mathematics), Jed Gillespie (Accounting), and Shea Walker (Nursing) explain how they determine how flexible to be with GHC students in their courses. Bring your questions!

Expert Panel: To Flex or Not to Flex: Missed Assignments, Late Work, and AbsenteeismExpert Panel: To Flex or Not to Flex: Missed Assignments, Late Work Policies, and Absenteeism

CETL Schedule & Registration: cetl.highlands.edu/schedule