Our next edition of Charger Chats will be today at 3 pm. We’re going to have Bradley Gilmore & Sarah Ozment talk about Charger Wellness and HR Programs; Jennifer Hicks and Jimmy Story share about GHC Admissions and Enrollment Management; and Chief Horce speak about campus safety. The Zoom details are below. As always, come one, come all!
Thank you!
What is a Charger Chat?
These are intended to be monthly meetings where everyone is invited to learn more about aspects of the college. No one is required to come. It’s informal, free-flowing, and a neat way for us all to come together to learn more about what each other does at the college.
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 973 4344 1328
Passcode: Chats
One tap mobile
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+16465588656,,97343441328# US (New York)