Did you know that only 20-30% of students in the average classroom do assigned reading? In Perusall classes, >90% consistently do the reading. Recent updates have made Perusall even better! Highlights include the ability to add quizzes, to review all student work in one place, greater control of analytics, simpler scoring setup, and grade passback to D2L without the need for assignment-specific links.
Curious about how Perusall, the only truly social e-reader, can improve your classes? Join Susanna Smith at 2 pm on Thursday, August 11 for a walk-through of the how students experience Perusall in D2L, how to integrate Perusall in your course in D2L, and an interactive Q&A period. A recording with be shared with registered participants.
Register for: Using Perusall in D2L
Thurs, August 11 | 2:00-3:00 pm, Zoom | Susanna Smith