Pre-Retirement Sessions with TRS

TRS has been notified that members have received emails from private sector businesses to consult with them about retirement, including TRS benefits.  The emails offer one-on-one consultations scheduled through a link in the email.  As with any unexpected email, members should exercise caution when responding or clicking on links in the event the email is a phishing attempt.

As stated in the emails we have seen, the businesses offering the consultations are not affiliated with TRS.  Members should not rely on TRS-related information offered in those meetings.

TRS members nearing retirement are welcome to schedule an appointment with one of our Counselors at our home office in Atlanta, or at a location closer to you with one of our traveling Planners by visiting

GHC has TRS Counselors scheduled to be at GHC on April 23rd and 30th. To schedule an appointment follow the instructions below.