Georgia Highlands College uses The Work Number® to provide automated employment and income verifications for our employees.
The Work Number from Equifax is a fast and secure way to provide proof of your employment or income—
a necessary step in many of today’s life events including obtaining credit, financing a home or automobile, obtaining a housing lease or securing government benefits or services. The Work Number simplifies the verification process and accelerates qualifying decisions through an online system available to verifiers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Hundreds of thousands of credentialed verifiers rely on The Work Number for rapid access to information critical to their decision process, and thousands of employers nationwide have entrusted The Work Number to provide this important service on behalf of their employees.
Additionally, the employees who work for organizations that contribute information to The Work Number can access one (1) free Employment Data Report (EDR) each year through The EDR provides complete historical employment and income information, as well as a listing of verifier requests for the past two years.
For additional information about The Work Number or accessing your Employment Data Report, please visit and use the log-in information below.
For GHC employees, the default ID and PIN scheme is:
ID: Social Security Number
PIN Scheme: Last 4 of SSN + YYYY of Birth