Fulltime faculty should report to the Forum River Center, Berry-Shorter room located Upper Level beginning 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Faculty should be dressed in full regalia by 9:30 a.m.
The processional lineup will begin at 9:45.
Faculty will form two equal lines for the processional led by honorary faculty marshals Frank Minor and Billy Morris. The Forum Arena setup is modified this year for increased graduate seating and two faculty sections (attached ‘Forum Arena seating’).
Following the graduation ceremony, faculty will exit the two seating sections row-by-row to recede simultaneously and continue the facing formation established by the platform party:
The North Section (stage right) and South Section (stage left) will march between President Don Green and Regent Sachin Shailendra. The two faculty lines will continue side-by-side with the North Section flanking to left and the South Section flanking to the right to continue the facing formation (see attached ‘Graduation 2019 recessional’).