Today- Navigating Difficult Conversations with Empathy and Curiosity

Great Basics is a virtual workshop series offered to USG institutional
employees as a way for individuals to learn and build leadership-
related skills through interactive sessions. These sessions focus on a
variety of professional development topics and will allow attendees
to immediately implement the skills they learn in their workplace.
Sessions are designed to be relevant and applicable whether you are
leading yourself or leading teams.

Thurs., February 27, 2025
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Microsoft Teams

Questions? Email

Navigating Difficult Conversations
with Empathy and Curiosity
Difficult conversations often feel challenging
because we care. But what if we leveraged that
care and used it not only to make our case, but
to also strengthen our relationship with the
person on the other side? In this Great Basics
session, participants will learn practical skills for
bringing empathy and curiosity into high-stakes
workplace discussions. By learning to navigate
these courageous conversations with intention,
we ensure our communication and actions
reflect our values and drive effective solutions
to business problems.