Monthly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning,

Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees

  Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests entered and approved by 12:00pm, Monday, September 23, 2024Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid.

Please remember if you did not work 1hr over for the week of 09/01-09/07 for the Labor Day Holiday, you will need to request 1hr of vacation leave for 09/02/2024.

Managers: Please remember to approve all leave request.

A link,, to the Human Resource webpage, which has job aids that might help with any questions, has been included for your convenience. You may also email the payroll office at or call Tracy Grigsby at 706-204-2386 if you need further assistance.

Thank you,

Tracy Grigsby

Payroll Accounting Analyst