Understand and improve your credit score– today!

The UGA Bartow County Extension Office is offering a free workshop regarding Understanding and Improving Credit Score tonight. This is available to all faculty, staff, and students. This is a great opportunity! A financial specialist from the University of Georgia will be speaking and presenting. Refreshment will be provided. See the contact information below to […]

Education in the Age of Generative AI & Accessibility Summer Camp

The Perusall Exchange® is an annual community conference that has both synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for participation. This year’s theme is Education in the Age of Generative AI.  With the introduction of ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms, education is undergoing a transformative shift, posing both challenges and opportunities for institutions, educators, and students. Attend at your […]

Employee Awards – Last Chance to Nominate

This is your last chance to nominate your fellow coworkers. Nominations are due by May 31, 2024.  Last year, we reinstated the Employee Awards.  These awards recognize the dedication and excellence of staff, faculty and administration at Georgia Highlands College. Department of the Year – All GHC offices and departments are eligible.  This award is designed […]

What is “Contract Cheating”?

Contract cheating refers to the practice where students outsource their assessments to third parties, such that the assignments or exams they submit are not their own work. The growth of online college degrees has created more opportunities for American students to outsource their schoolwork, resulting in a booming billion-dollar cheating industry centered in the East […]

Staff Council Meeting Today at 9AM

Please join us for the May Staff Council meeting on today, May 22nd, at 9:00 AM. Meetings are open to everyone. Join the Teams meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MmY2N2Q5MjEtMGQ0Zi00MWExLTk1NTctMWY3OWVkMThhMGQ2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227f8154b7-77a3-47c9-9255-e23ec5d69519%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c2ee745d-b94c-4318-a71f-28e0747677f0%22%7d Meeting ID: 289 979 976 905 Passcode: kfRf8Q

Registration open for Manager/Supervisor Training- Leadership reCharge 2024

Registration is open for Leadership reCharger-2024Essential skills for leading yourself and others-One Day training for managers and supervisors to grow your Leadership skills.Best part- no cost to you! June 27th- 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m./Cartersville Limited space. Register today. https://sites.highlands.edu/human-resources/leadership-training/