The Only Doctor – A Documentary About Healthcare in Rural Georgia

A free screening of the documentary film “The Only Doctor” will be held this Thursday, October 12, at 6PM, at Centre Stage in Heritage Hall. RSVP here. Heathcare in Georgia’s rural areas can be hard to access for many reasons, including scarcity of resources. The documentary film “The Only Doctor” is part of the “Through […]

Are you Relentlessly Welcoming?

You are invited to participate in CETL’s Relentless Welcome Challenge, updated for the second 8-week session! Scroll down to complete the embedded form or launch it in a new tab. Relentless Welcome is about the intentional and en masse creation of learning environments in which students feel seen, heard, supported, and cared for. When we do this for […]

CETL: Online GIFT Exchange

Online GIFT Exchange Wednesday, October 11, 2023  |  2-3 pm  |  Zoom  |  Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht What’s working in your classes? Join your GHC colleagues online to give and get GIFTs (Great Ideas for Teaching). No prep, no tech. Just informal roundtable conversation via Zoom. You’re welcome to bring your lunch to […]

The Future of Data Protection

Accurately predicting the future requires an ability to build complex projection models based on previous trends. Where data protection is concerned, no such models are necessary, as it’s reasonable to assume two things will remain true for many years to come. The future will include aggressive and ongoing personal data collection. It’s hard to imagine […]

Georgia Archives Month

In continuation of Georgia Archives Month, we want to share more of our digital images. This week’s theme is GHC Staff. Today’s photo features the groundbreaking of the Cartersville Campus in 2002. As we share photos, we are asking for your help to create better descriptions for our collection. If you recognize anyone in this photo, please email their names to […]

Simple Syllabus is Coming!

Simple Syllabus at GHC Wednesday, October 18, 2023  |  12-1:30 pm  |  Zoom  |  Facilitator: Simple Syllabus In Spring 2024 all GHC faculty will use Simple Syllabus to create their syllabi. Join us to explore how to do so, GHC syllabus policy guidelines, and learner-centered syllabus language. (This workshop will also be offered by CETL […]