GHC Staff Council Information Sessions

GHC Staff Council Information Sessions

The Staff Council Working Group will be holding informational sessions via Zoom, to spread the word about forming a GHC Staff Council. At these sessions we will discuss the process to form a Staff Council at GHC and answer questions about the process. Please spread the word so that all staff know about these upcoming sessions. All sessions will be over Zoom and are spread out at different times on different days. We want to give as many staff as possible the opportunity to attend. If you have any questions or would like a meeting request sent to your calendar, please reach out to Elizabeth Tanner at

Not sure what a Staff Council is? Look at the USG Staff Council information: USG website


June 1, 2023, at 12:00 pm

June 2, 2023, at 10:00 am


Topic: GHC Staff Council Information Session

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Meeting ID: 910 0581 8691

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