Charger Chat @ 3pm Today!

Our next Charger Chat will be today at 3 pm. This will be the final one of this academic year! We are going to host representatives from the School of Health Sciences and the School of Business and Professional Studies to talk about advising in their programs and pathways. The Zoom details are below. As always, come one, come all!

Thank you!


What is a Charger Chat?

These are intended to be monthly meetings where everyone is invited to learn more about aspects of the college. No one is required to come. It’s informal, free-flowing, and a neat way for us all to come together to learn more about what each other does at the college.

Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 973 4344 1328

Passcode: Chats

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,97343441328# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,97343441328# US (New York)