Hello everyone,
We have our first Charger Chat of 2023 today at 3pm! We’re going to have Liz Jones and Sarah Bradfield scheduled to talk about the GHC Foundation. Jennifer Hicks and James Story have been rescheduled to join us on March 21st to talk about GHC Admissions.
For anyone new, you might be asking, what exactly are Charger Chats? These are intended to be monthly meetings where everyone is invited to learn more about aspects of the college. No one is required to come. It’s informal, free-flowing, and a neat way for us all to come together to learn more about what each other does at the college. You should have a calendar invitation, but if you need it, the zoom information is at the bottom of this email.
The first part of 2023 has the following scheduled:
February 21st
• Highlands Writer’s Conference (Jessica Lindberg and Danielle Steele)
• Online Safety and Cyber Security for Faculty Staff and Students (Ian Fleming, Andrea Mathis, Rob Laltrello, & Jason McFry
March 21st
• Charger Wellness and HR Programs (Bradley Gilmore & Sarah Ozment)
• GHC Admissions (Jennifer Hicks + James Story)
April 18th:
• Demystifying Health Science Advising: All About Pathways and Careers (School of Health Sciences)
• FinTech, BBAs, and Entrepreneurship (Melanie Largin and Joy Hambrick)
Thank you!
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 973 4344 1328
Passcode: Chats
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,97343441328# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,97343441328# US (New York)