Thursday’s Answer:
Today’s question was about political activities by USG employees.
True or False:
Q: The Board of Regents Policy on Political Activities was revised this year and continues to protect an employee’s right of free expression but does require employees to take reasonable steps so that their expression of political views does not give the appearance that it is endorsed by the USG or its institutions.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A. True. The Board of Regents policy on Political Activities was revised earlier this year and added additional guidance to the existing policy. The revised policy provides that, “When a USG employee engages in political activities and/or associated political expression in their personal capacity, such employee must take reasonable steps to avoid any appearance that such political activities and/or associated political expression represents the views of, or is endorsed by, the USG or its institutions. For example, USG employees are not prohibited from noting in a biographical description their employment status, title, or affiliation with the USG or their institution, or their background and credentials, but if an employee does so, the employee must make clear that the employee is not speaking in the employee’s capacity as an employee of the USG or the employee’s institution.”
Friday’s question:
Good morning! Today is the last day of Ethics Awareness Week. While we set aside a specific week each year to highlight the importance of an ethical culture, it is our goal to incorporate our Core Values and Code of Conduct into our daily decision-making throughout the year. Thanks to each of you who participated this week. Our last question is listed below.
Today’s question concerns the USG’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
Q. Which of the following statement(s) are true?
A. USG employees have an ongoing responsibility to report and fully disclose any personal, professional, or financial interest that has the potential to create an actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the employee’s USG duties.
B. USG employees are generally prohibited from consulting with or otherwise receiving compensation from a USG vendor or an entity seeking a vendor relationship with the USG.
C. A USG employee shall not engage in any occupation, pursuit, or endeavor that will interfere with the regular and punctual discharge of that employee’s official duties.
D. USG employees do not need approval to participate or volunteer in community activities for which they are not paid and which take place outside of work hours.
E. All of the above.
Answer will be in Monday’s GHC Inform