Answer to Tuesday’s question:
Tuesday’s Answer:
Thank you for participating in today’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Listed below is the answer to today’s ethics question. Participate each day this week to test your ethics and compliance awareness.
Today’s question was about travel by USG employees.
Q: Which of the following statements are true:
A. Employees must have written authorization in advance from the Chancellor or designee to attend trainings and conferences paid for by vendors.
B. Prior approval is required for lodging that is within 50 miles of home or work.
C. Expenses related to vacation or personal days taken before, during or after a business trip are NOT reimbursable.
D. Combining personal travel with State business travel must NOT result in increased expense to the State.
E. All of the above are true.
Correct Answer E. All of the above are true.
Wednesday’s Question-
Today’s question concerns the USG’s Ethics Policy.
Q: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. USG employees must be good stewards of the resources and information entrusted to our care.
B. USG employees have an affirmative duty to report wrongdoing.
C. USG policy prohibits retaliation against those who report wrongdoing.
D. It is preferred that employees report wrongdoing to their immediate supervisors; however, other reporting avenues are available to include the Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline.
E. The Ethics Policy is not applicable to volunteers, vendors and members of the Board of Regents.
Answer to Wednesday question will be in tomorrow’s GHC Inform.