Cybersecurity Basics: Be BYOD Ready for Fall in 3 Easy Step

1. Ensure your device is compliant with GHC’s Bring Your Own Device Policy & Standard.

✔ My smartphone, tablet, or computer is up-to-date (meets the requirements below) and is capable of receiving future security updates.

  • Windows – Windows 10 operating system with the latest security updates released in August.
  • Mac – macOS Catalina 10.15.7  (or later) or macOS Big Sur 11.5.2 (or later).
  • iPhones/iPads – iOS 14.7.1 (or later) operating system with the latest Safari browser
  • Android – Android 8.0 (or later) operating system with the latest Google Chrome browser

✔ My device has a working antivirus program and is free of viruses and malicious software. It has a reasonable security configuration that includes a password or screen lock so that it can’t be easily used while left unattended.

✔ My mobile device (cell phone) has the most up-to-date Duo Mobile app and a screen lock enforced by biometrics, a passcode, or pattern lock.


2. Check your VPN access.

✔ I’ve set up GHC’s VPN software using the instructions provided online at


3. Know what kind of data you are authorized to handle on a personal device.

✔ I understand that I may NOT handle sensitive Personally Identifiable Information, such as Social Security Numbers or federal or state identification numbers using a personal device.

✔ I have read GHC’s Data Classification and Security policy online.