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Be sure to mark your calendars for next week’s exciting Wellness events: Date Time Sponsor Activity Monday, 6/14 11:30 am USG Well-being Monday Mindfulness Matters Tuesday, 6/15 10:00 am USG Well-being Office Stretch Break Tuesday, 6/15 12:00 pm KEPRO Tips for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Wednesday, 6/16 11:30 am KEPRO Effective Stress Management Wednesday, 6/16 […]
Students in Georgia Highlands College’s Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program recently participated in a real-world scenario: determining how to relocate a decommissioned Lockheed JetStar aircraft. The Cohort 4 Principles of Logistics class was given the project to apply logistical concepts and come up with a plan to move the […]
University System News: Athens CEO UGA Plays Pivotal Role in Food Safety Jennifer Reynolds World Food Safety Day is celebrated annually on June 7. Established in 2018 through a U.N. General Assembly resolution, the day seeks to bring awareness to foodborne risks and “to celebrate the myriad benefits of safe food,” according to the U.N. […]
University System News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Georgia chancellor search process slowed by confusion, split over Perdue By Eric Stirgus, Greg Bluestein Georgia officials this week began Act II of their quest to find the next leader of the state’s public university system when they hired their second firm to lead the search. Records show the […]
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked and all Absence Request for the May 30 – June 12, 2021 pay period by 4:00pm, Thursday, June 10th . Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for any time or absences […]
After nearly 30 years at Georgia Highlands College (GHC), David Mathis announced plans to retire on August 31 as the director of athletics. GHC has appointed Brandan Harrell to serve as the new director of athletics starting September. Read the full article here. Please like and share on social media: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Starting now at GHC, fully vaccinated individuals can be on campus without physically distancing or wearing a mask. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue physically distancing from others when possible and wearing a face covering while inside campus facilities. (Classroom spaces will continue to adhere to physically distancing of three feet.) Did you know that Georgia Highlands College […]
University System News: AllOnGeorgia Civil Engineering Graduate at GSU Thrived Through Engagement For as long as she can remember, Myla Kelly has been enthralled by architecture. It was this fascination which led her to pursue a degree in civil engineering. With support from her instructors in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing, […]
University System News: The Augusta Chronicle Augusta business leaders help fund long COVID study at MCG Tom Corwin Augusta businessman T.R. Reddy was reading a magazine story about a study on long-term symptoms of COVID-19 at Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University and noticed that its funding was nearly up. He decided, “Let me […]