Tomorrow – World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day 10/10/2020: Improving Your Mental Health and Well Being

by Daniel Fabry, GHC HR Wellness Intern

Mental health is a very important part of maintaining overall health and well-being. Mental health is more than a mere diagnosis, as it affects the way that we as humans  feel about ourselves, how we feel about others and how we deal with the everyday events and difficulties that occur in our lives. Our mental health is determined by different factors or stressors such as school, work, friends and family (parents, spouses, children, etc.). Stressors can be both positive and negative life events that affect our mood and ability to stay motivated in life. Letting stress get out of hand by neglecting mental health can lead to anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder. A poor state of mental health can also negatively affect a person’s physical health in various ways including shortness of breath, stomach pains, heart problems and a weakened immune system.

Ways to Improve Your Mental Health:

Having a Positive Outlook on Life

  • Find a healthy balance between positive and negative emotions.
  • Staying positive doesn’t mean that you can’t experience any negative emotions, it just means that you will not constantly dwell on them and let them get the better of you.

Take Breaks When Necessary and Applicable

  • Don’t be afraid to step away from a stressful situation and come back to it later with a clear head.

Practice Gratitude

  • Think back toward and be thankful for the good things that you have in life.

 Maintaining your Physical Health

  • Lead a physically active lifestyle.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated.
  • Get adequate amounts of sleep and try to stick to a sleep schedule (if applicable).

Stay in Touch with Others

  • Connect with friends and family.

Limit time Spent on Social Media

  • Place limits on the amount of social media that you consume as it can negatively affect your emotions.

Find Meaning and Purpose in Your Life

  • Finding a sense of purpose in life can include work, but is not just limited to it.
  • Other ways to find a sense of purpose in life can include learning a new skill, finding a new hobby or develop spirituality .

Develop Good Coping Skills

  • You can’t eliminate all negative stressors and emotions, but you can find ways to limit them.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

  • Consider practicing deep breathing exercises (taking slow, deep and even breaths), guided imagery (focusing on positive images in your mind) and progressive relaxation techniques (tightening and relaxing different muscle groups).
  • Also consider practicing meditation by meditating in a quiet place with few distractions, in a comfortable position, while focusing your attention on something specific (ex. your own breathing, an object, a word or a set of words).

Maintaining mental health is especially important and challenging during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to the ways to improve mental health listed above, try to improve your mental health by taking extra care to stay active, staying connected with others, and limiting the amount of media (both national and local) that you consume. By following these steps to boost your mental health you can improve your resilience, mood, and find greater enjoyment in life.

Websites/Links for Further Information: How to Improve Mental Health

National Institute of Mental Health: Anxiety Disorders

Psychology Today: 9 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Today Social Media and Mental Health

World Health Organization: World Mental Health Day 2020