- Talk with family and friends.
- Engage in daily physical activity.
- Embrace the things you are able to change.
- Remember to laugh.
- Give up the bad habits.
- Slow down.
- Get enough sleep.
- Get organized.
- Practice giving back.
- Try not to worry.
- Inhale through your nose slowly and deeply to the count of 10.
- Make sure that your stomach and abdomen expand, but your chest does not rise up.
- Exhale through your nose, slowly and completely, also to the count of ten.
- To help quiet your mind, concentrate fully on breathing and counting through each cycle.
- Repeat five to ten times. Make a habit of doing the exercise several times each day.
Need to talk? USG provides an employee assistance program to employees and family members with free, comprehensive support and confidential counseling 24/7/365 through the KEPRO Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Call 844-234-4440 or visit their website EAPHelplink.com and enter company code USGCares for more details.