USG Ethics Policy Ethics Policy

The University System of Georgia (USG) is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in pursuit of its mission to create a more educated Georgia. Accomplishing this mission demands integrity, good judgment, and dedication to public service from all members of the USG community.

While the USG affirms each person’s accountability for individual actions, it also recognizes that the shared mission and the shared enterprise of its institutions require a shared set of core values and ethical conduct to which each member of the USG community must be held accountable. Furthermore, the USG acknowledges that an organizational culture grounded in trust is essential to supporting these core values and ethical conduct.

The following Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct are intended to build, maintain, and protect that trust, recognizing that each member of the USG community is responsible for doing his or her part by upholding the highest standards of competence and character.

The Ethics Policy in its entirety may be accessed at