Highlands Unlikely Hikers December Hike


Get out in nature and hike off some of your holiday stress with Highlands Unlikely Hikers this Friday Dec 7th at 1:30pm at Berry College – Meet at the old mill at 1:30 pm.

We will hike the back way (a bike trail) to the reservoir then hike the dirt road trail back down. The total time should be about 2 hours and includes time to enjoy the reservoir.

Bring plenty of water and a light snack and dress appropriately for the weather-Weather is forecast to be cloudy with a high of 52 as of Monday morning.

To join the hike contact Andrea Mathis  amathis@highlands.edu

*** A signed USG waiver is required before participating. ***
If you plan to attend and do not have a waiver on file please fill out one and submit to Alex Moon in HR either electronically Amoon@highlands.edu  or via inter-office mail

The wavier can be downloaded here : https://sites.highlands.edu/ghcinform/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2018/06/USG-Fitness-Program-Waiver-03.24.2016.docx

January 2019 hike – Friday January 25th at 1:30pm – Location to be determined, suggestions welcome.