Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked for the July 15–July 28, 2018 pay period by 10:00am, Friday, July 27th. Additionally, all absence requests must be entered and approved by 10:00am, Friday, July 27th. Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for […]
Monthly Archives: July 2018
NEW Paulding Library Hours
The Library Hours for the Paulding Site library will be changing to include Friday hours! New official hours are below and are effective as of August 1, 2018. Please e-mail: if you have questions.
Considering Retirement?
If you are considering retirement in the near future, please schedule an appointment with Human Resources. We want you to have all the information you need to make a decision that will best fit your needs. Benefits Continuation into Retirement policy If you are considering retirement, you will want to include your healthcare benefits at […]
Policy Definition of a USG Retiree/Eligibility for Retirement allows employees to request a waiver to the continuous service requirement. Notwithstanding the requirements of this policy or Policy, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources shall have the authority to waive the requirements regarding continuous service with the USG as it relates to the eligibility to […]
Not Secure? What’s Wrong With These Websites?
Google is now marking unencrypted (http) websites as ‘Not Secure’ in the newest version of Chrome. This is the first major browser that will change how it presents information about the security of websites by ‘expecting’ them to be encrypted (https) by default and warning about unencrypted websites, rather than expecting users to check for […]
Employees now have Purchasing Power!
Purchasing Power is an internet retailer that eligible employees can buy brand-new, brand-name products from and have payments deducted through payroll, and pay for them easily over a 6 – 12 month time period. Shop thousands of premium products online, including computers, electronics, furniture, jewelry, appliances, luggage, online courses and vacation packages. Purchasing Power FLyer […]
Healthy Tips by Text
In addition to information about health resources and discounts on products and services you might need, you’ll get wellness tips that help you eat better and move more along with reminders about health screenings and prevention information. To sign up, text HEALTHYTIPS to 268436. healthy-tips
The Comprehensive Administrative Review (CAR) at GHC is currently underway. Two surveys have been sent to selected participants: One is the Opportunity Identification Survey. The other is a mandatory survey called Activity Assessment. For additional help filling out the Activity Assessment, please use the updated Activity Assessment Worksheet at within the Faculty/Staff Portal. There, you will find more about the CAR Process and the Schedule and Contacts. You […]
Upcoming Special Topics Workshop
Hello Everyone! In preparation for the upcoming Special Topics Workshop, we are asking that you fill out this short form to let us know if you are going to be able to attend and give us an idea where you are in your process. We are excited to hear about your projects and look forward […]
Castlight is your personalized healthcare assistant. It’s provided for free by your employer and is completely confidential. Castlight is designed for you to get more out your health plan and benefits so you can experience healthcare in a whole new way. Start using Castlight at Castlight_Handout_Open-Enrollment_(8.5x11_one-sided) (1)