Summer Enrollment Update

Great News! Summer enrollment has reached 2,190. The highest summer enrollment for the last five years was 2,174. We continue to on pace for a record enrollment this summer. HOWEVER, the first summer fee payment deadline is today (MAY 1 by 5:30 pm) and there are currently over 800 students on the balance due list.

Last summer our first fee payment deadline was on May 4 and we had an enrollment of 1,885 and deleted 333 students for non-payment. Our current enrollment of 2,190 indicates a 16% increase over last years enrollment. The unknown is how many students will be deleted for non-payment.

As information, we have been communicating with students on the drop list via phone, email, and text. Although the fee payment deadline is May 1, we will have teams of individuals reviewing the list the entire day on May 2 and will not process the drop probably until late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

How can you help? Based upon many of phone calls and conversations with students they “assume” they have enough financial aid on their account to cover their full balance. Many have not verified this by looking at their schedule bill. Please encourage students to pull up and look at the GHC Schedule Bill through the Schedule Bill/Charges link under the Current Students Tab to verify if they have a “0” balance, “amount of refund”, or have a “balance due”.  This is the easiest way to verify if they remain on the drop list.

Thank you for your continued assistance as we aim for a record enrollment this summer.