Government Targeted Cybercrime

Last month the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reported an increase in cybercrime attempts directed to government agencies. Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) was an one state agency that has already been targeted by an attack.
To address these increases in cybercrime, additional measures to protect against attack include the following:

  • Be wary of unsolicited phone calls, visits or email messages from unknown individuals who are inquiring about internal information or information about you or other employees.
  • Do not disclose information about our organization to individuals who are not authorized to have the information.
  • Do not disclose personal or financial information through email, nor respond to requests for this information via email.

Always remember PURLS when evaluating emails for their legitimacy:

Pretend – Scams may use real logos or appear to originate from people we know and pose as legitimate messages.
Urgency – Scams often convey a sense of urgency or a threat of action if ignored.
Resemblance – Many scams use email addresses resembling familiar legitimate businesses.
Links – By resting your mouse pointer over but not clicking on a link, you can determine if the link matches the text.
Spelling – Many scam emails contain spelling and grammar errors.
Thanks for being diligent and helping us remain cyber-safe!